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Life in Two is one of the most esteemed international online dating agencies addressed to those who're looking for a steady relationship. The true love.
Find your soul mate in Lombardia

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Guaranteed contacts

Being a part of Life in Two, our sophisticated system will examine your preferences and will offer you every day a wide range of selected partners similar to you. All you have to do is ... choose!

Our happy ending stories

I never thought it could happen. At a certain age you know that finding true love it’s not that easy. Then at Life in Two I met Paul. .
Paul really was what you call "love at first sight". Mary came into my life on tip toes, and within a short time she managed to get my heart.
Mary and Paul
There have been 10 months since we met each other and 7 since we got together. A big love bloomed in a short time. It is true that beautiful things happen when you least expect them. Thank you Life!

Your psychologist

Are you scared of letting go? Would you like to express yourself better, but don't know how? Are you curious to know the "secret ingredient" so that your relationship lasts in time? Check the advices of Dr. Eleanor Johnson, psychologist and psychotherapist. In a few steps you'll get your self-esteem and feel ready to break the ice!
Find out more

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